Various scenery and timeswatchWith | WALNUT collaboration [Part 2]
WALNUT is popular among young women, with its modern, edgy illustrations. This time, we have a collaboration with her. In the first part, we asked WALNUT about herself and the secrets of her collaborative watch design. In the second part, we will delve into the theme of the collaboration watch, "designs that make you want to see the wide world." We look at her unique perspective, which is a travel lover and travels around the world, and ask her about the feelings she has inherent in the collaboration watch.
WALNUT collaboration | Design that will make you want to see the wide worldRead the first part
I love to accumulate small success experiences
-The second interview with illustrator WALNUT. The second part is about the travel stories of WALNUT, who loves to travel. This collaboration watch is based on the theme of "making you want to see a wider world," and is illustrated by the wonderful events that occur as you travel.
Illustrator WALNUT
WALNUT:yes. I do research, visit various places, meet many people and scenery, and sometimes happen. It's packed with the fun of that kind of travel. I want to see all kinds of worlds! I hope that the design will be a great way to push people who are thinking this way.
-Traveling has many charms. What do you think is the most appealing thing about your travels?
WALNUT:Experience small successes over and over again. While traveling, unexpected incidents can occur. Every time you find your own solution and clear it, you will gain more confidence and increase the number of things you can do. This will increase the global resolution. I think the appeal of travel is that you can get such opportunities.
-You're enjoying your trip to the fullest. Looking at social media, I realized that I've been to many different countries. When would you like to go on a trip?
WALNUT:When I went to Barcelona before, I thought, "I want to eat authentic paella."
-That's why I'm going.
WALNUT:i wanna go! If you think so, I try to jump in for any smallest reason. Of course, I don't go to dangerous areas.
--However, I feel like there are many people who hesitate to jump in...
WALNUT:I was also scared at first. What should you do if something goes wrong? and. But curiosity wins (lol)
-Please let me know if there are any difficult episodes.
WALNUT: When I went to a rural town in Spain, I realized it was quite a bit of time. I asked the station attendant about the train service in English, but it seemed he didn't understand English, so he only responded in Catalan. It seems that even after transcribing it, it didn't read, it didn't charge my smartphone, and there were no people around... So, what should I do? But in the end I thought it would work out. This is a small incident, but there are many other stories, from things you can talk about to things you can't (lol).
-The anxiety of being left behind in an unknown city is immeasurable... Are there any countries that left an impression on you?
WALNUT:Georgia has been a very memorable thing. There are still remnants of the war, and buildings are almost shattered or clearly leaning, but everyone lives there without worrying about it. However, it was interesting to see many aspects, such as a very stylish hotel and restaurant renovated from a printing company from the former Soviet era, and an area where artists gather.
-There are many views and experiences that can only be found in that place.
WALNUT:I enjoyed the authentic taste, was overwhelmed by the scenery I had never seen before, and met people of all kinds of styles... I hope there will be another day when I can travel like that.
-I have to make a plan now!
Changing your perspective will change the world you see
-What would you like to share with WALNUT through your own work and this collaboration watch?
WALNUT:What I usually focus on in my production is to have multiple perspectives. For example, the "Train Series" where people on a train sketch, and the "Leaf Series" where people draw illustrations on leaves will also make you more interesting works, with just a slight change in your perspective or expression.

-It's true that the way paper and leaves look differently.
WALNUT:I agree. Also, when I travel abroad, I try not to paint much scenery of World Heritage Sites or tourist attractions. It's a place where everyone is paying attention to and is passionate about, so I don't think I need to draw it. If I were to do it, I would like to portray things that I find interesting or "loving," such as old men just sitting on a bench in an unfortunate place, street bookstores on street corners, or delicious dishes I eat at a small restaurant that isn't listed in guidebooks. I would be happy if I could bring you new discoveries through my illustrations, and I would like to share with you that by changing my perspective a little, everyday life is full of interesting things.
-Change your perspective, I see. That's a wonderful idea.
WALNUT:Therefore, this is also for those who wear collaboration watches.watchI hope you will go to many different places and enjoy the scenery and time you find yourself "interesting!"
-That's a typical message that WALNUT is actively jumping around to various places. Thank you so much for all the talks! It was fun to be able to walk together.
WALNUT:thank you. I had fun too.
A collaboration watch designed by WALNUT has been released. "I want to see a wider world"watchWear it and jump out to various places!