[Deep delve into the secrets of the design] 10 things to ask Kanaya Yuko [Part 2]

The second part of the artist "10 Things to Ask Kanaya Yuko," who draws geometric and organic patterns with vivid colors. Here we will explore the behind-the-scenes stories of design. We asked about the key points they focus on and the thoughts they put into the design.

We will introduce Kanaya's artwork and her thoughts on collaboration watches in the first part!
"First timewatch10 things to ask Design Kanaya Yuko"See the first part


[Part 2] Deep delve into the hidden behind the design of the collaboration watch

Artist Kanaya Yuko


Q6. What process did you take to produce this collaboration watch?


At first, I drew many ideas using rough sketches, and after deciding on a certain direction, I drew artwork for the board. I use colored pencils to color. We decided on the color of the small parts such as needles and belts to match it. Based on this, we asked the factory to make samples, but at first it didn't feel right, so we adjusted the board by re-drawing it from scratch.


Q7. Are there any points you have struggled with?

My drawings are often detailed and detailed, butwatchIf you do that on a small board, it won't look very beautiful. However, if you draw too simply, it will no longer be my picture, so until you find a good balance, you may be confused after the finish, wondering, "Is this really okay?" Fortunately, the size of the disc was small, so I was able to adjust it several times to try drawing another one, and I think it was finished with a moderate balance.


Q8. Have you ever tried this challenge?

I don't usually add a message to my work, but this time I'm using my own interpretation of "time."
analogwatchIn designs that are linked to the time, there are many symmetrical left and right up and down, and points are placed at a specific time, but this time, the rhythm is slightly shifted and asymmetrical, and the way the points are placed at the time is irregular.
Between the 12am and 4:23am, it's always the time that's the moment, so I want to capture my own way of thinking. Therefore, as long as it does not compromise the function of knowing the time,watchWe aimed to create a design that is free and not bound by the regularity of the product.


Q9. Kanaya's armswatchWhat kind of being is it and how is it enjoyed?

armwatchI don't wear it on a daily basis because I look at time on my smartphone and also because I like bangles and bracelets, but I wear it as an ornament that tells me the time when I want to spend time empty-handed, such as when I want to leave my smartphone, such as a picnic or traveling.
I'm sure there are generations, but for me it's a bit nostalgic. It's a fun and uncomfortable feeling, similar to deliberately using cameras, record players, etc. that can be done on a smartphone or PC.



Q10. The last question. How did you feel when you actually saw it finished? Finally, please give us a message to our customers.

Original and actualwatchThe impression changes depending on the state it is now, so I was worried until I saw it finished, but I'm relieved that it was finished successfully. After it's finished, it actually happenswatchI spent the day wearing it, but when the gorgeous colors got me in my eyes, I felt good. From now on, thiswatchI hope that those who pick up this item will feel the same good sign. Also, while each person has their own way of perceiving and spending time, I would be very happy if it could be an item that supports and supports people who are "each of them."


10 questions from Kanaya. How did you like it? A collaboration watch designed by Kanaya Yuko: "Just wearing it makes me excitedwatchPlease get the following.

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