Designs that make you want to see the wide world | WALNUT collaboration [Part 1]
WALNUT is popular among young women, with its modern, edgy illustrations. He is active in any genre, including designing merchandise by musicians around the world, as well as illustrations being used at events for various fashion brands. This time, we have a collaboration with her. What is a watch filled with the world of WALNUT? Here we will introduce the WALNUT collaboration watches in the first and second parts. First, we will discuss her own story and the secret behind the design of the collaboration watch.
I wish I could live by drawing pictures
-Today we interviewed illustrator WALNUT. I heard that he likes going out and traveling, so I decided to listen to him while walking. Well then, thank you for your cooperation.
WALNUT:thank you. This is my first time interviewing while walking. I'm very excited.
Illustrator WALNUT
Speaking of WALNUT, we are a series of sketches that take a single frame from trains and restaurants, "walsketch."_' is popular isn't it?
WALNUT:I often secretly sketch out the old man sitting across from the train and the wonderful couples I've seen in restaurants.
-What kind of people will be chosen as a model for sketches?
WALNUT:In the case of the train series, people often choose to look at their smartphones or read books so that they don't know they're sketching.
-- (Looking at the two grandmas who are obsessed with talking on a park bench) Those people seem easy to sketch, right?
WALNUT:That's certainly true! I'm so obsessed with the story that I don't think it's obvious.
-I envy people who accidentally sketched by WALNUT. I want you to draw it too...
WALNUT:Shall we draw it?
-picture! Is it okay? ? happy! Shall we sit on the bench over there for a moment? We will continue the story while drawing it.
It seems that WALNUT is giving "walsketch_". Luxurious time!
-By the way, what made you start sketching on the train?
WALNUT:This was started as a training session to grasp the shape of things in a short amount of time.
-I see. Do you want to go into the arts industry from a child?
WALNUT:I've always loved drawing. Therefore, I chose a school with an art course from high school and went on to an art school. I don't know if I can eat with pictures, but I have always had the desire to live by drawing.
-And now he is active as an illustrator.
WALNUT:Thank you very much. But I didn't think I would become an illustrator. Even after I decided to do this job, I don't know much about what kind of work an illustrator has or how it works.
--It started from scratch. Nowadays, he lives his favorite paintings, including being in charge of merchandise designs for famous artists.
WALNUT:I often find things and things I like lead to work. Besides drawing illustrations, I also love traveling, but I work with artists from various countries and sometimes visit those countries. It's a lot of fun to see the process of what you're interested in and how it leads to work.
- Are there any tips for making your "love" your job?
WALNUT:what do you want. For me, I just did what I liked freely and this was what I ended up with. However, they may be more proactive in expressing their love.
-Do you post on social media?
WALNUT:yes. That may be what makes it a catalyst for people to know about it. Okay, the sketch is finished.
-Wow, I'm really impressed. thank you! Still, it's really drawn in a short amount of time.
WALNUT:I agree.
--It's important to continue.
Putting travel stories into design
--Next, let's talk about collaboration watches. What theme was designed?
WALNUT:The design was designed with the theme of "making you want to see a wider world." I personally like traveling and going out, so I want to create a design that will encourage people who have that kind of feeling. The girl on the dial is designed with her back facing back to mean "pushing her back."
--It looks like he is looking at a different world than he is now, and I think it's a design typical of WALNUT. The dial does not contain numbers that represent the time.
WALNUT:I was really worried about whether to include the numbers. However, I decided not to be attached to the idea of wanting people to enjoy the moment without being bound by time.
-It was a wonderful message. Is there any message in the illustrations on the belt too?
WALNUT:Travel to unknown places to see the vast world. Despite occasional troubles and incidents, you will encounter people of all kinds of styles and wonderful scenery. In this way, we design it with the hope that it will be fun, just like traveling in your daily life.
- Was it a story about the journey? The star marks depicted under the illustration of the Earth were a problem.
WALNUT:That's right. Travelling has its own problems.
-Has WALNUT had a problem too?
WALNUT:There have been many times.
-Have you ever heard it? I'm curious. Now, in the second part, let's explore the feelings that have been put into collaboration watch, based on an episode of WALNUT's journey. Please also check out the second part!
A collaboration watch designed by WALNUT has been released. "I want to see a wider world"watchWear it and jump out to various places!
▸ Various scenery and timeswatchWithSee the article in [Part 2]