[2nd collaboration with "Traveling Cafe"] Refreshing arms with cream soda motifwatch

This is the second collaboration with "Traveling Cafe," a travel destination based in Koenji, Tokyo, that travels around the country! A perfect summer arm with a refreshing cream soda motifwatchHowever, it has been further enhanced and is now visible. Here, we will be looking at the owner and cream soda craftsman.tsunekawaWe asked san about the thoughts and commitment they put into the design.

See article about the first collaboration 


The second theme is "Beautiful Moments."

tsunekawaIt's been a while, Mr! The second collaboration between "Traveling Cafes" is on sale! First, why not look back at the first one?

Cream soda craftsmantsunekawaMr. (after thattsunekawaMr. Miss):armwatchIt was a challenge for me to express cream soda in products with such limitations. The first volume, which was completed through trial and error, has successfully reflected the world of cream soda created by "Traveling Cafes." Customers who purchased the product were pleased with comments such as "designs that are easy to wear."

tsunekawaYou can see the sky and scenery that you encounter while traveling with cream soda. Last time, he said that he wanted to convey the preciousness of "time" with the theme of "sky." What theme was created in the second installment?

tsunekawaMr. Miss:My desire to convey the irreplaceable value of time remains unchanged. This time, I set the theme of "beautiful moments" that I encountered while traveling.

-What are beautiful moments?

tsunekawaMr. Miss:It is a pleasant sparkle that reflects the fantastic light coming through the trees and the surface of the water. This time, we will be introducing a momentary sparkle in the flowing time, and the beautiful moments of time, and the arms that engrave the imagewatchI want to create something.

- And it's finishedwatchHere's it.

tsunekawaMr. Miss:This time we will be looking at "Gensui" and "Asanagi"2We have a variety of designs available.

"Gensui" is based on a refreshing green cream soda motif created with the image of sunlight filtering through the trees.

-It reminds me of the leaves of trees that glow gently in response to the sun.


tsunekawaMr. Miss:"Asanagi" is based on a Mizuiro cream soda motif, created with the image of sparkling light on the surface of the calm sea.

-It's very beautiful.

tsunekawaMr. Miss:These scenery are moments when your mind calms down as you travel.watchI hope that this will help you feel the scenery and moments like this and will help you feel a sense of peace and comfort.


A carefully crafted transparency that expresses the sizzle feel of cream soda

-Please tell us about the design of the second installment.

tsunekawaMr. Miss:This time, we will be introducing Midoriiro, "Gensui" and Mizuiro, "Asanagi"2Available in colors. The dial has been made more transparent, giving it a refreshing sizzle feel to its cream soda. The second hand is red, just like last time, and is inspired by the cherry to be served with cream soda.

-Have you ever had a hard time expressing this transparency?

tsunekawaMr. Miss:Yeah. As the transparency increases, it can become too transparent, so I struggled to adjust the contrast. We have adjusted the lighting when taking photos to be conscious of the lighting, and overlapping the photos we took to make it feel more sparkling ice and soda bubbles.


-Please tell us what you thought when you actually saw the finished product.

tsunekawaMr. Miss:I was moved. I also like the first installment, but I was happy that the second installment was able to achieve the parts that were not fully expressed in the first installment. I'm excited to see how far you can feel this difference, but I'm looking forward to showing it to everyone!


-Each of eachwatchWhat kind of situations and feelings would you like to wear it?

tsunekawaMr. Miss:Q&Q SmileSolar'swatchIt is very light and durable and water resistant, so I hope you can easily wear it in a variety of everyday situations. The prices are also reasonable, and I hope you enjoy changing the items depending on your mood that day.

-The natural design does not expose too much cream soda feel, so it seems easy to match with a variety of fashions, regardless of gender.tsunekawaIs there a recommended way to match your items?

tsunekawaMr. Miss:White shirt andTWhen paired with a shirtwatchI think it stands out and will be a great accent.

-It will give you a refreshing styling perfect for summer!

tsunekawaMr. Miss:It is also recommended to enjoy it not only as a fashion item, but also as an interior decoration. I display it on my work desk. Just looking at it reminds me of the scenery of my trip and gives me a calm feeling. It also gives you a cool mood.

-It's wonderful. Finally, please give us a message to our customers.

tsunekawaMr. Miss:I'm going to check the timewatchInstead, wearing it will calm your mind and make you want to go on a trip. The arm that can help you make such a small triggerwatchI created it with the hope that it would become. This armwatchI would be happy if this will become a partner that can easily change your mood for everyone. The design also serves as a fashion accent. Please, your armwatchHave fun putting it on.


"Traveling Cafe"Q&Q SmileSolarBrings you a refreshing arm that's perfect for summerwatch. This armwatchWe would be happy if you could feel the beautiful scenery nearby through the area. Please enjoy it not only when you go out, but also at home.

View product page for the "Traveling Cafe" collaboration model