Q&Q to the student group WorldFut SMILESOLAR donation

This time, student organizationsWorldFutAt the Charity Futsal Conference held byQ&Q SmileSolar(armwatch) will be donated.

 Student organizationsWorldFutAbout us

The student group WorldFut provides international cooperation through soccer, mainly planning and running futsal tournaments in Japan, and using the proceeds of this group to support elementary schools in Cambodia.
In Cambodia, the organization has been supporting Sumion Elementary School in Sumion Village since its establishment.
In an environment where there is no ball and the schoolyard is desolate, making it difficult to enjoy soccer safely, we have been providing support for 12 years with the desire to pursue our dream of becoming a professional soccer player, not just one-time support, but with the desire to pursue our dream of becoming a professional soccer player with the children at Smaon Elementary School.
In order to create an environment where children can enjoy soccer safely, the school is built by donating soccer balls, then building a ground, and then building an educational environment at Smaon Elementary School, which is in a situation where educational environments cannot be prepared due to a lack of school buildings, creating an environment where children can move towards their dreams.
In addition, support projects at Keutom Elementary School have been launched, while continuing to support Smaon Elementary School from 2019.
This time, Q&Q SmileSolar is the armwatchWe have provided this as a prize for the 21st Charity Event Kanto Futsal Tournament.
This conference is held through futsal to encourage participants to become interested in international cooperation and to convey the activities of the student group WorldFut.

We support the "Charity Futsal Conference" held by the student group WorldFut.

Student Group WorldFut Website