Thinking about things that are a little more friendly to the earth. Take a peek into everyone's eco life!

Q&Q: A solar watch that can be recharged with sunlight, SmileSolar is thinking about things that are "a little more friendly to the earth." What kind of "eco-friendly" do people practice? This is the fourth installment, and we asked illustrator Kanaya Yuko.

Eco-friendly Q&A

Artist Kanaya teaches us about the "eco-friendly things" he is practicing.

Kanaya's past articles are here▼
[First timewatchDesign: 10 things to ask Kanaya Yuko [Part 1]Read

[First timewatchDesign: 10 things to ask Kanaya Yuko [Part 2]Read


Now start with the questions!

Q1. What eco-friendly do you practice?
I like second-hand clothes and wear them a lot, but when I no longer wear them I remake them with something else and enjoy them for a long time. The photo shows a cushion cover made from a mother's hand-off dress resewn into a bag (the handle is an old obi I found at a flea market) and a Mexican dress that I can no longer wear. Both of them have cute embroidery so I couldn't let it go.

Q2. What made me want to start doing that?
I've been wearing second-hand clothes since I was a teenager, attracted by the fact that they didn't have the same era. Even if I can't wear it, I can't let it go because the fabric is so lovely and I feel attached to it, and I love sewing, so I'll remake it with something else as part of my fun.

Q3. What are the tips for enjoying eco-friendly things?
Try to choose things based on attachment and predisposition rather than rationality. I think that would allow us to be friends for a longer period of time. As a result, the burden on the environment may be reduced. Also, not using special items as intended is a trick to using them for a long time, and it's fun to feel free to use them.

Your favorite empty cans can be used as storage tins for hobbies and work tools.

Q4. What eco-friendly do you want to tackle in the future?
Furniture painting and darning (traditional European clothing repair methods).
I still paint a little, but I want to expand my painting space into everyday life.
I would like to try Darning because it's not only can you wear your favorites for a long time, but it also has a unique and lovely look after repairs.

Q5. What do you think about Smile Solar?

There are many colorful things, so you can wear it to enjoywatchThat's the impression.
Since the packaging was made from paper boxes, I thought it was being designed to be an environmentally friendly brand.

Designed by Kanaya YukowatchSee


Eco-friendly begins with choosing things! There are many ways to make it fun for a long time. Kanaya's "eco-friendly things." It's so wonderful. I'll try to put it into practice.