Series005 taught me how to shine like you

| I want to try a variety of things, meet a new self without being too lame
Her name is Series005, as if she always spends her days in a gorgeous and dramatic way. What is her true face, with a presence like a heroine, captivating everyone around her? I asked her what she values.
-Series005, thank you for your continued support today. Personally, I'm aspired to be a person I'm really happy to meet you today!
Series005:thank you. I'm glad you said that.
-Now, please introduce yourself again.
Series005:I don't really like talking about myself, but I think he looks rather flashy. The glittery features a lot of people who want to wear an elegant atmosphere.
- Do you really want to match your elegant style?
Series005:Personally, I think it would be fine to wear it more casually every day. However, I am honestly happy to be taken to some very special places that I don't often go to, and that's why. I'm also excited to shine more than usual.
-Their appearance is gorgeous, so I thought it would be unavailable to wear them on special occasions such as dates and parties.
Series005:That's not true (lol). I hope they'll take you to many different places. People often say they like brands, but that's not the case. If something you find good is cheap, you'll be lucky, and if it's a little expensive, you'll have to consult with your wallet. I don't really care about the situation or the price.
-You have a very flexible way of thinking.
Series005:I don't really like limiting my own possibilities or being influenced by someone else's values. I want to try a variety of things and discover a new self without being too lame.
| Pick yourself up once that day
-Series005 has the image of a "heroine" in movies and dramas. How can I shine like Series005?
Series005:I try to prepare a reward for myself. I don't realize I'm shining, but maybe that's why I'm pretty happy all the time.
-What kind of rewards do you prepare?
Series005:I don't do anything special, so I just go wherever I want to go, eat what I want to eat, meet the people I want to meet! I try to be honest with what I want right now.
-How often do you receive rewards?
Series005:It's every day. Because I work hard every day, I try to pamper myself at least once that day. Even small things are fine. For example, try a little extravagant lunch or try soothing it with the aromatic scent. Even if something is painful, I don't want to end the day in a dark mood.
-surely. Picking yourself once a day can also help you reset your feelings.
Series005: It is important to heal the mind and body, and just doing something that pleases you, even just a little each day, gives you plenty of time to spare. That's why I think they can be the person they love and think they are shining as a result.
-Rewards are a way to affirm yourself. I'll try it from today! !
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