[QQ News for January] #Renewed mood!
Hello everyone! It's QQ communication. Smile's Instagram has a variety of themes each month, and it can be found in the season of the month.watchWe also offer recommended ways to spend your time. The theme for January is "#Renew your spirit." I want to switch things up and start the New Year! For those of you who are wondering, we offer a variety of ways to change your mind! These are all easy to do, so be sure to give it a try.
These are the recommendations from the qqsmile editorial department: "Fall-freshness" and "Kibun Change"!
|I try to ride my bike once in a while
For those who usually travel by train or taxi, I recommend riding a bicycle. There are probably many people who no longer ride bicycles as adults, but if you ride them occasionally you'll be impressed by the pleasant feeling of breeze and the speed!
| Try to move away from your smartphone for half a day
If you have the chance, check social media and connect with friends using the chat app. That's all day long and have fun with your smartphone! There must be a lot of people like that. That's why it might be a good idea to leave your smartphone once in a while to read or walk around.
| Not as usualwatchTry wearing
That day, depending on the mood and scene at the timewatchLet's try changing it. That alone will make it easy to change your mood. For example, the days you want to be active are colorful.watch, black colored to tighten up on days when you want to workwatchAnd so on. Your hands will surely bring you a positive mood!
Depending on your mood and scenewatchChange. 5 recommended January
This collaboration watch features a colorful color and cute PAPIER TIGRE logo, and just wearing it will make you feel better. If you're feeling a little uneasy, why not try to liven up your mood with a collaboration watch from PAPIER TIGRE?
|02 Connectionwatch MATCHING STYLR SERIES 002
Yellow is a quick catchwatchIt seems to brighten up your expression. You'll want to give it a good mood or a nice sunny daywatchis.
SERIES 002 comes in a wide variety of colors, so you can enjoy matching it with friends and family. It is sure to be useful when coordinating links!
|03 Activewatch 20BAR SERIES
On days when you are active, such as camping, hiking, or sporting,watchIt's also best to choose something that's active and tough. The appeal of 20BAR SERIES is that it is waterproof to 20 bars! Tough, suitable for marine sports such as swimming, surfing, and jet skiing.watchis!
|04 Personalitywatch MINI SERIES
The pink edge and striped dial are impressive.watchRecommended for those who want to add a little accent to their outfit. It also adds a playful touch to your simple outfit!
|05 The triggerwatch SERIES 003
Striped pattern based on greywatchIt also matches the business scene. The design has a moderate roughness, so it will suit both on a tight suit day, as well as on an office casual style!
Recommended by qqsmile editorial department: "Books you want to read in January"
The theme of February is "It was the power of my love, and it's refreshing!" Please look forward to it!