Notebooks from the PAPIER TIGRE collaboration arrived from Paris. From how you create it to how you use your notebook!
Q&Q SmileSolar and PAPIER TIGRE notes andwatchHave you already got the set "PAPIER TIGRE + Q&Q SmileSolar Special Set"? Here we will focus on the notes, introduce how the notes were created, and some recommended ways to use them.
Collaboration notes from Paris
The collaboration notes with PAPIER TIGRE were created in Paris, France.
The cover designs before they are cut are all sorts of!
Cut with a cutting machine!
The middle page is also cut and holes are drilled.
Just a little while left until completion!
If you pass the ring...
The collaboration notes are complete!
How do you use it? How to use collaboration notes
PAPIER TIGRE + Q&Q SmileSolar collaboration notes are formats that allow you to manage time schedules and tasks. Future plans,1This is a highly flexible notebook that can be used in a wide range of ways, from day events to business to hobbies.
In the second half of the page, there are also simple lined pages that are easy to take notes from work or classes.
Notes that allow you to manage your time
Visually understandable time schedules,watchIncludes illustrations! It's convenient because you can check both work and personal plans all at once.
watchRight next to the illustration,ToDoYou can also write a list. You can manage tasks while checking the timeline.
Check time and take notes on your smartphone.
This is a convenient age where you can do anything digitally.
However, there is sure to be a lot of fun and joy that can only be felt in analog form!
This set will help you discover such small insights.
Please try getting it!